
Showing posts from October, 2020

RVing Newbs: Episode One

  To be completely honest, we were not total newbs before this weekend, but close enough. Our previous experience consisted of one weekend in a rented class C and a long weekend in a travel trailer. Both more than five years ago, and neither a joy. Kathy had an allergic reaction to something in the Class C (possible cat from a previous rental?) and was miserable. The trailer we pulled from Atlanta to Orlando for a Fourth of July excursion to Universal Studios. It was way too far for a first pull and way too hot. Not sure what we were thinking… Needless to say, it was a while before we revisited the subject. Now, we are recent empty nesters with Oreo and Daisy (furbabies) and time on our hands. We have been discussing getting a camper for a while and negotiations have been intense. I wanted a small teardrop with sleeping inside and an outdoor kitchen in the back. Kathy’s prime requirement was an indoor toilet….so no teardrop. After a lot of talking and a lot of visits to lots, we decide